Phosphorus Projectiles
Phosphorous Projectiles I remember WWII film clips where anti-aircraft batteries lit up the sky with their phosphorus tracers and machine gunners fired streams of phosphorus bullets, typically every third one being a tracer. Both situations helped the gunner see how...Breaking the Militarism Mindset: The Pentagon Budget – from FCNL December 2017 Newsletter
Download...Army Finds $830 Million In ‘Missing’ Helicopters As First Ever Audit Begins
Download...DoD Spending Personal Experience & Forecast
Personal Experience & Forecast by Don Chapin, Capt., USAF, Ret’d, Jan 13, 2018 Editor’s note, 5/10/18: The original PDF file in this post has been replaced with a new version updated by Don Chapin. As the Senior Engineer/Deputy Program Manager for an...Lazy Dog Projectiles
My guess is that the CEP (circular area of probability) of lazy dog projectiles will be improved over that of simple ballistic drops with fin steering devices in the near future so that this, too, is a lethal mass destruction capability more destructive than when it was used in ‘Nam.
Another Form of American Imperialism
Beginning with General Butler’s small book, “War is a Racket: The Antiwar Classic by America’s Most Decorated Soldier,” written back in the 1930’s, the American public has been exposed to a little-noticed phenomenon of war as a function of Wall Street policy, not the idealized version the American public and the world has been fed. John Perkins lifted the curtain considerably higher than Butler (find Butler’s book here) since he was an instrument of the same operation, but at a much higher level than Butler. In Another Form of American Imperialism.pdf (below) and in Perkin’s book (followed by others in the same genre) we see the modern Wall-Street-programming of control and plundering, which is so much more effective than the pirates of 200 or 300 years ago.

America’s Bio-Weapons
This is a lengthy pdf file about America’s Bio-Weapons you can read online or download to read at your convenience.
Could You be a Conscientious Objector?
Yes, Draft Registration Requirements are still on the books! Men, 18 through 25 years of age ( while medical science has confirmed that the brain has yet to reach full growth), are REQUIRED by law (within 30 days of their 18th birthday) to register with the selective service system, and in a hawk-driven government, it is easy to re-start that process (link to Adobe “What You Need to Know About the U.S. Military Draft”), So….
Opting Out of the NCLB Automatic Military Notifications
Download...Delayed Entry Program Discharge (DEP Discharge) Fact Sheet
Delayed Entry Program Discharge (DEP Discharge) Fact Sheet From: https://girightshotline.org/en/military-knowledge-base/topic/delayed-entry-program-discharge-dep-discharge For further help, call the Hotline (877 447 4487) to talk over your options with a counselor....
Break The CIA, by a former CIA Presidential Briefer
This article by Ray McGovern describes the problem with covert action and intelligence collection and analysis in the same agency and proposes a solution.
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