by Reposted by Military Truth | Aug 31, 2019 | Military Environmental Damage, Research
These videos show how navy sonar affects marine mammals like killer whales and dolphins…even at distances of 12-15 miles away from the ship. You can hear the hideous sounds and see the animals swimming, some erratically, to shore in an attempt to escape the painful sound. If you are thinking of enlisting in the US Navy, you may be ordered to participate in this illegal & immoral activity
by Reposted by Military Truth | Aug 31, 2019 | Military Environmental Damage, Research
This 2019 article explains how Navy sonar harms marine mammals such as whales and dolphins—we now know that they get “the bends” when frantically trying to escape the sound.
by Reposted by Military Truth | Aug 31, 2019 | Military Environmental Damage, Research
The Ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals in California has ruled that the low-frequency active sonar (LFA) systems used by the US Navy for training missions violates the Marine Mammal protection Act, and negatively impacts whales, dolphins, and walruses who rely on sound to navigate the seas.
by Reposted by Military Truth | Aug 31, 2019 | Military Environmental Damage, Research
The impacts of Navy sonar on whales and dolphins are now well-documented. This 2017 research paper by E. C. M. Parsons digs into the details and includes links to numerous studies. A vital read!
by Reposted by Military Truth | Aug 22, 2019 | Conscientious Objection, Whistleblowers
Pat Tillman, Jessica Lynch stories: Call it “spin” or flat out LIES by the DoD? This trio of reposted articles show that while the connection between NFL and military is troubling, even more so is the spin on Pat Tillman’s and Jessica Lynch’s stories and how they are used to discourage another’s freedom of speech.
by Military Truth | Aug 19, 2019 | Education
This is the list of ‘applicable statutes’ for the DD Form 4 military enlistment contract. Looking through the list, I’ve attempted to determine which appear to actually be applicable, and which “authorities” have been added to the list for intimidation with a (HUH? – or other text in bold blue) querying the applicability of that ‘authority’ to that of a general enlistment application. There appears to be little regard for oversight, something the military is supposedly noted for.
~Don Chapin
by Military Truth | Aug 19, 2019 | Education
READ THIS PAGE for an In-Depth Look at the DD Form 4 Military Enlistment Contract by Don Chapin, USAF, Ret’d, including Don’s advice and commentary, to make sure you understand the contract BEFORE signing it and to avoid common pitfalls that will come back to haunt you later.
by Reposted by Military Truth | Aug 8, 2019 | American Imperialism & Aggression, Of Immediate Interest, Why Can't the World's Best Military Win Its Wars?
This is not a short piece, but the similarities of behind-the-scenes manipulation of facts, complete ineptitude and publicized rationale, by U.S. administration war-mongers of the then-Iraqi war and today’s dealings with Iran are downright scary. ~ Don Chapin
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