Military Truth Blog


The Bomb Didn’t Stop Japan, Stalin Did

The Bomb Didn’t Stop Japan, Stalin Did

The Bomb Didn’t Stop Japan, Stalin Did: Have decades of nuclear policy been based on a lie? The orthodox view is that, yes, of course, it worked, but there are three major problems with it, and, taken together, they significantly undermine the traditional interpretation of the Japanese surrender.

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These latest posted articles on active duty military and veterans suicide rates can also, I contend, be a function of the command structure and/or very poor field or “career” assignments. When I joined the USAF, and after going through a technical training school, I...

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Military Truth - Who Benefits From War

What You Don't Know About ROTC

An ex-Army Ranger's new mission to educate students considering joining the ROTC.

Safeguard Young Adults From Military Recruitment

Public schools in the Unites States of America are a prime marketing target for military recruiters. (read more)

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