Defunding – No; Demilitarizing – YES

Defunding – No; Demilitarizing – YES

This is a situation that has existed throughout human history: ‘controlling’ the dissatisfied public… and it’s time to change the paradigm. Today, as probably throughout history, controlling sociopathic personalities join police forces more to satisfy their own controlling needs than to help others, and supplying such paramilitary organizations with military hardware both awakens and reinforces those individual personal needs, exasperating relationships between the “protect and serve” organizations and the public it’s there to “protect and serve.” I suspect this was Lenin’s idea behind communism, but Trump-like controlling sociopaths corrupted that ideology, also. ~Don Chapin

Confidential documents reveal U.S. officials lied about the war in Afghanistan

Department of Offense

Repost: Department of Offense
Maj. Danny Sjursen, Apr 26, 2018 TD originals
An alien visitor, or even a foreign observer, might find it peculiar that the United States military falls under the auspices of the Department of Defense. The army I was a part of never defended a damn thing. In hindsight, I fought for little that was tangible, except maybe deluded policymakers’ notions of American interests, or to ensure a steady flow of hydrocarbon resources or to distract an apathetic nation from the unrelenting assault on its civil liberties.

Confidential documents reveal U.S. officials lied about the war in Afghanistan

The United States Probably Has More Foreign Military Bases Than Any Other People, Nation, or Empire in History

The United States Probably Has More Foreign Military Bases Than Any Other People, Nation, or Empire in History: Although few know it, the United States garrisons the planet unlike any country in history, and the evidence is on view from Honduras to Oman, Japan to Germany, Singapore to Djibouti. This article originally appeared at

Confidential documents reveal U.S. officials lied about the war in Afghanistan

The Fatal Expense of American Imperialism

“THE SINGLE MOST important issue in allocating national resources is war versus peace…The United States is getting this choice profoundly wrong, squandering vast sums and undermining national security….If our next president remains trapped in expensive Middle East wars, the budgetary costs alone could derail any hopes for solving our vast domestic problems.”



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