by Reposted by Military Truth | May 29, 2018 | American Imperialism & Aggression
REPOST: Preserving the Positive Legacy of an Empire in Decline, by Alfred W. McCoy / TomDispatch, May 24, 2018
At this critical turning point in world history, the choice is still, to a surprising degree, ours to make. But not for long.
by Reposted by Military Truth | May 1, 2018 | American Imperialism & Aggression, Research
Repost: Department of Offense
Maj. Danny Sjursen, Apr 26, 2018 TD originals
An alien visitor, or even a foreign observer, might find it peculiar that the United States military falls under the auspices of the Department of Defense. The army I was a part of never defended a damn thing. In hindsight, I fought for little that was tangible, except maybe deluded policymakers’ notions of American interests, or to ensure a steady flow of hydrocarbon resources or to distract an apathetic nation from the unrelenting assault on its civil liberties.
by Reposted by Military Truth | May 1, 2018 | American Imperialism & Aggression, Research
Repost: The invasion of Panama and US intervention, 1968-1990
Submitted by Steven. on Sep 8, 2006 panama-and-us-intervention
These accounts support each other and describe a situation that is typical of U.S./Corporate behavior around the world ~ Don Chapin
by Reposted by Military Truth | May 1, 2018 | American Imperialism & Aggression, Research
Repost: The History of America’s Secret Wars: Corporate Espionage and the Outsourcing of National Security by Greg Guma, Global Research, June 14, 2013 Text in the article is excerpted from Big Lies: How Our Corporate Overlords, Politicians and Media Establishment Warp Reality and Undermine Democracy.
by Reposted by Military Truth | May 1, 2018 | American Imperialism & Aggression, Research
The Beginning of the End of the US Empire Project, by Dahr Jamail. “Any pretense that the US intended to seek justice or increase world stability via its so-called War on Terror has been dramatically overshadowed by increased global resentment toward the US, which has in fact generated more terror attacks around the world. It is precisely this legacy that continues today: ongoing US military violence abroad, increased domestic surveillance and repression at home, and a world more violent and less safe for all.”
by Reposted by Military Truth | Mar 30, 2018 | American Imperialism & Aggression, Research
The United States Probably Has More Foreign Military Bases Than Any Other People, Nation, or Empire in History: Although few know it, the United States garrisons the planet unlike any country in history, and the evidence is on view from Honduras to Oman, Japan to Germany, Singapore to Djibouti. This article originally appeared at
by Reposted by Military Truth | Mar 30, 2018 | American Imperialism & Aggression, Research
The World Will Not Mourn the Decline of U.S. Hegemony “For the purposes of this report, I’ll leave aside the matter of whether Trump is, in fact, speeding the decline of U.S. global power (he undoubtedly is) and how he’s doing that to focus instead on a very...
by Reposted by Military Truth | Mar 30, 2018 | American Imperialism & Aggression, Research
It is long past time to ask why this or that American regime wants war here, there and everywhere….the existential fact is the world is faced with a threat to its survival and that threat is the United States of America. Repost of an article by Toronto international criminal lawyer Christopher Black.
by Reposted by Military Truth | Mar 30, 2018 | American Imperialism & Aggression, Research
“THE SINGLE MOST important issue in allocating national resources is war versus peace…The United States is getting this choice profoundly wrong, squandering vast sums and undermining national security….If our next president remains trapped in expensive Middle East wars, the budgetary costs alone could derail any hopes for solving our vast domestic problems.”
by Reposted by Military Truth | Mar 30, 2018 | American Imperialism & Aggression, Research
“In this increasingly uncertain world, it is…imperative that American policymakers follow clear guidelines in deciding where and when American military intervention is most needed and how it can be most effective.” ~Repost of a 19 page article from The Heritage Foundation’s publication, Backgrounder.
by Reposted by Military Truth | Mar 30, 2018 | American Imperialism & Aggression, Research
Most civilizations in recorded history met their end from internal problems. Several years ago, is this the beginning of the end? The Buddha Consciousness predicted that China was a strong contender for global domination when the U.S. faded into the background….
by Reposted by Military Truth | Feb 20, 2018 | American Imperialism & Aggression, Research
Beginning with General Butler’s small book, “War is a Racket: The Antiwar Classic by America’s Most Decorated Soldier,” written back in the 1930’s, the American public has been exposed to a little-noticed phenomenon of war as a function of Wall Street policy, not the idealized version the American public and the world has been fed. John Perkins lifted the curtain considerably higher than Butler (find Butler’s book here) since he was an instrument of the same operation, but at a much higher level than Butler. In Another Form of American Imperialism.pdf (below) and in Perkin’s book (followed by others in the same genre) we see the modern Wall-Street-programming of control and plundering, which is so much more effective than the pirates of 200 or 300 years ago.
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