Women in the Military

“A 2003 report financed by the Department of Defense revealed that one-third of a nationwide sample of female veterans seeking health care through the V.A. said they experienced rape or attempted rape during their service. Of that group, 37 percent said they were raped multiple times, and 14 percent reported they were gang-raped. Perhaps even more tellingly, a small study financed by the V.A. following the gulf war suggests that rates of both sexual harassment and assault rise during wartime. The researchers who carried out this study also looked at the prevalence of PTSD symptoms—including flashbacks, nightmares, emotional numbing and round-the-clock anxiety—and found that women who endured sexual assault were more likely to develop PTSD than those who were exposed to combat”

I have read this report and it IS disturbing, particularly when the data consisted of women veterans from ALL BRANCHES and the figures were the same, with 1/3 having experienced consistent sexual harassment or rape. The report in “Women’s War” was also disturbing, in that Suzanne Swift went AWOL to avoid being sent back to Iraq to work under the same sergeants that she claimed had subjected her to sexual abuse.

We will add reposts of new articles to this category as they become available. ~ Don Chapin

Military Sexual Trauma – It’s Not Just Women

Military Sexual Trauma – It’s Not Just Women

Finding Peace After Betrayal, from Military Sexual Trauma in Men: A Review of Reported Rates, by Tim Hoyt, Jennifer Klosterman Rielage and Lauren F. Williams, PhDs. “Military Sexual Trauma (MST) has historically been associated with female service members, but it is also experienced by male service members. There is significant variability in reported rates of men’s MST. Averaging across studies covering the past 30 years, it was found that MST is reported by approximately .09% of male service members each year, with a range of .02% to 6%. MST is reported by 1.1% of male service members over the course of their military careers, with a range of .03% to 12.4%.” (I remember that when Vietnam veterans began initiating such claims it caught the VA quite off guard. ~ Don Chapin)

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The Women’s War

The Women’s War

The Women’s War by SARA CORBETT, NYT, March 18, 2007, http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/18/magazine/18cover.html?pagewanted=all Excerpt: A particular, but not unusual case involved Suzanne Swift of Eugene, Ore., who refused to re-deploy to Iraq when she found she would...

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