Department of Defense Cost Control

  • The Pentagon’s Bottomless Money Pit (including a personal experience)

  • $21 trillion of Pentagon financial transactions between 1998 and 2015 could not be traced, documented, or explained.

The long-awaited, Congressionally mandated Department of Defense audit concluded. Read the resulting synopsis from “The Nation”:
Pentagon’s Massive Accounting Fraud Exposed (Post with downloadable PDF file, 787 Kb)  As reported at   And a shorter synopsis HERE.

Quotes from “The Nation”:

“In all, at least a mind-boggling $21 trillion of Pentagon financial transactions between 1998 and 2015 could not be traced, documented, or explained, concluded Skidmore. To convey the vastness of that sum, $21 trillion is roughly five times more than the entire federal government spends in a year. It is greater than the US Gross National Product, the world’s largest at an estimated $18.8 trillion.”   (Underlining is mine  ~ Don)

“The Pentagon’s accounting fraud diverts many billions of dollars that could be devoted to other national needs: health care, education, job creation, climate action, infrastructure modernization, and more. Indeed, the Pentagon’s accounting fraud amounts to theft on a grand scale—theft not only from America’s taxpayers, but also from the nation’s well-being and its future.”

And such theft goes into the pockets of this country’s 1%ers!


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