Billions in Upgrade Cost Overruns Put F-35 Fighter at Risk

Billions in Upgrade Cost Overruns Put F-35 Fighter at Risk

TYPICAL! In designing new systems such as this, corrections for “unks”, or “known unknowns,” is supposedly priced into the contract. However, an escape clause is generally included for addressing “unk-unks”, or “unknown unknowns”… and THIS is where military R&D contractors REALLY make their money at the tax-payers expense, because even the unks can lead to unk-unks and more “developments.” Couple that with a contractor spreading subcontracts in as many congressional districts as possible to preclude contract cancellation, which I personally witnessed on the F-35 program, “desirable” design changes plus quite weak government control from internal advancement dependant politics and military development programs are sure-fire money makers!!! Also note my comment on the last paragraph ~Don Chapin, Capt, USAF, Ret’d… an ex-R&D government aerospace engineer

Defunding – No; Demilitarizing – YES

Defunding – No; Demilitarizing – YES

This is a situation that has existed throughout human history: ‘controlling’ the dissatisfied public… and it’s time to change the paradigm. Today, as probably throughout history, controlling sociopathic personalities join police forces more to satisfy their own controlling needs than to help others, and supplying such paramilitary organizations with military hardware both awakens and reinforces those individual personal needs, exasperating relationships between the “protect and serve” organizations and the public it’s there to “protect and serve.” I suspect this was Lenin’s idea behind communism, but Trump-like controlling sociopaths corrupted that ideology, also. ~Don Chapin



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