Jeffery Sterling’s Position On The ‘Pardon Season’
Jeffery Sterling’s Position On The ‘Pardon Season’ (Interjection – Jeffery Sterling, author of “Unwanted Spy,” a whistle-blower prosecuted similar to Daniel Ellsberg, Chelsea Manning, and Edward Snowden, and...
As A Veteran I Refuse to Celebrate War
“Let November 11 be a day we celebrate veterans, not of endless bloody war, but of the struggles for peace and equality.” I’m in the same position as this author, but not as eloquent. I co-founded Veterans for Peace Chapter 156 in Medford, OR and was that chapter’s deputy chairman/webmaster until the VFP hierarchy unleashed the VFP October Bomb… Oct 2010 article referenced beneath Truthout’s article in this post…when I found that the VFP hierarchy was strongly ANTI-WAR, not FOR PEACE. This is a situation that, per spiritual laws and Newton’s laws of physics, provides energy TO the concept of war…Think about it…”for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” ~ Don Chapin
Navy Suicides, A Synopsis
The US Navy confirmed on Tuesday that three sailors assigned to the USS George H. W. Bush aircraft carrier off the coast of Virginia died by suicide in “separate incidents” last week. An Aviation Ordnanceman First Class was found dead at an off-base location on September 14 and died by suicide. A Chief Electronics Technician Nuclear and an Airman were found dead from self-inflicted gunshot wounds in “separate incidents” at off-base locations on September 19.
USA Pretend Unmasked
With the perception and honesty of another Howard Zinn, in this piece, Willson addresses US actions on an international scale as a result of personal experiences.
The NFL, The Military, Pat Tillman, Jessica Lynch and Colin Kaepernick
Pat Tillman, Jessica Lynch stories: Call it “spin” or flat out LIES by the DoD? This trio of reposted articles show that while the connection between NFL and military is troubling, even more so is the spin on Pat Tillman’s and Jessica Lynch’s stories and how they are used to discourage another’s freedom of speech.

Pat Tillman’s Story
Pat Tillman’s is indeed an all-American story, it’s just not the kind that Trump and his supporters want it to be. Few episodes of the post-9/11 era have called down more disgrace upon the military than its handling of Tillman’s death and its treatment of his family in their search for answers.

Supreme Court – Military Retirees Can Be Court-Martialed for Crimes Committed After Service
The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld the Defense Department’s authority to prosecute retired service members for crimes they commit, even after retirement.

A Spiritual View of Military “Service”
A Spiritual View of Military ‘Service’ “… allow us to examine a concept that you all understand on Earth. The concept I speak of demands a regimented approach to following and obeying orders, even though one’s heart does not agree(*). We believe that you...
Reason for America
HOWEVER, THERE IS A DEEPER, SPIRITUAL REASON FOR AMERICA… for America to extend from ocean to ocean with benign neighbors to the north and south. Making America physically hard to attack and relatively isolated from the rest of the world. And that reason is spiritual development… not just of America, but global spiritual development…
Could You be a Conscientious Objector?
Yes, Draft Registration Requirements are still on the books! Men, 18 through 25 years of age ( while medical science has confirmed that the brain has yet to reach full growth), are REQUIRED by law (within 30 days of their 18th birthday) to register with the selective service system, and in a hawk-driven government, it is easy to re-start that process (link to Adobe “What You Need to Know About the U.S. Military Draft”), So….
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