A Spiritual View of Military “Service”

Reason for America

HOWEVER, THERE IS A DEEPER, SPIRITUAL REASON FOR AMERICA… for America to extend from ocean to ocean with benign neighbors to the north and south. Making America physically hard to attack and relatively isolated from the rest of the world. And that reason is spiritual development… not just of America, but global spiritual development…

When a military member literally wears their religion on their sleeve

US Military Officers Guilty of ‘Dishonesty And Deception’ At All Levels

US Military Officers Guilty of ‘Dishonesty And Deception’ At All Levels: Repost of article by Flora Drury For Mailonline
Published: 08:55 EST, 20 February 2015
Personal experience as both enlisted and officer, USAF, ’56- ’77; Yes, such “ethical corruption” is endemic and, as I see it, stems from our country’s “leaders” not being honest with what gets the U.S. into war – ANY war – as numerous independent studies have shown. On the other hand, the same thing is found in industry, where the production floor and the “head sheds” speak in different languages, although the industry situation isn’t as much based on outright lies (as between political “leaders” and military brass, then on down the chain) as it seems to be on “personal survival” and “spin.” ~ Don Chapin

When a military member literally wears their religion on their sleeve

Violence in the Bible and Bhagavad-Gita

Repost: Violence In The Bible And The Bhagavad-Glta (.pdf) by Hector Avalos, Iowa State University
“Violence is a primary fact of life for biblical figures in the Hebrew Bible, and the biblical deity is often portrayed as the prime mover for this violence.” AND “If interpreted literally, at least some portions of the Bible are quite explicit in advocating violence as the proper means to settle conflicts that ultimately derive from unequal access to scarce resources, including land, God’s revelation, and human authority.
“Such directives reach back to God himself. If interpreted literally, the BG can also be seen as supporting violence. Krishna directs Arjuna to participate in war. Krishna supports the caste system that in itself may be a sort of violence to those that are in the lower echelons. Krishna devalues bodily suffering and death, which can logically lead to devaluing violence as well.
“If we extend the logic of Schwartz, it might be that all religions, not just monotheistic ones, are ultimately violent. All religions ultimately depend on creating, rather than just addressing, scarce resources. And more importantly, the scarce resources created by religion are generally accepted as unverifiable, which itself leads to violence.”



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