Secret US Human Biological Experimentation
This 19 page document contains several articles. It begins much like our repost titled “A History of Secret Human Experimentations.” However, it has different and much more in-depth content to follow. Below is a summary of the contents. We encourage you to read both.
The first section, a history of secret medical experimentations by the US, was originally published here:
The second is an article, “Clinton Orders Human Experiments,” By Timothy W. Maier – Executive Order 13139 res/I2R?urn:pdi:// is requiring military personnel to receive experimental vaccines not approved by the Food and Drug Administration. Courts-martial are pending.
The third section contains links to General Resources on Experiments on Humans, Web Pages and Databases on Bioethics and Human Experimentation.
Fourth is an article, “DUCK AND COVER(UP): U.S. RADIATION TESTING ON HUMANS,” by Tod Ensign and Glenn Alcalay.
Then we have The Buchenwald Touch, sourced from
A sixth section contains a piece entitled, “Human Experiments: Sliding Backward,” by Congressman Christopher Smith.
Next is “Battlefield uses of biotech proposed in report to Army,” published Tue Jun 26 14:18:57 2001 by Carl T. Hall, Chronicle Science Writer, Thursday, June 21, 2001: “Even though biological weapons are banned, military planners are actively searching out new ways to bring biotechnology to the battlefield.”
Closing the document is a statement followed by links to documentation and further information about nonconsensual medical experiments.
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